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5-year partnership with a guarantee

5-year partnership with a guarantee

A 5-year partnership with a guarantee is a kind of loan. You invest funds and receive the agreed interest for the agreed number of years. No risk on your part. You will help us a lot, you will literally build the centre on the energy of your contribution, but you will not take risks. Multiply your money and get the status of an honoured guest with the opportunity to take a free retreat every year as long as the contract is valid.

Available lots

  • 10 000 – 50 000 – 100 000 USD
  • Multiple lots available

Available bonuses

  • Free annual retreat 7/14/30 days (depending on the amount invested, indefinitely)
  • Opportunity to upgrade to the best available room (from investments above 50 000 USD)
  • Privileges in the development of other projects (profitable investment plans for other project centres)

Current restrictions

  • The current offer is valid only until 31 August 2023
  • The number of lots is strictly limited
  • Priority to the first bids in the queue
  • We are prepared to allocate only 33% of the total number of contracts under this form of partnership.

Calculations for investors

Investment with a guaranteed payout of 175% after 5 years.
On an interest-on-interest basis, approximately +12% per annum. Payouts in this option are fixed and are independent of financial and business development models.

lot $10 000

Payment at the end of the 1st year – $500 Payment at the end of the 2nd year – $1,000. Payment at the end of the 3rd year – $1,500. Payment at the end of the 4th year – $2,000. Payment at the end of the 5th year – $12,500. TOTAL = $17,500

lot $50 000

Payment on results of the 1st year – 2 500$ Payment at the end of the 2nd year – 5 000$ Payment at the end of the 3rd year – 7 500$ Payment at the end of the 4th year – 10 000$ Payment at the end of the 5th year – $62,500. TOTAL = $87,500

lot $100 000

Payment on results of the 1st year – 5 000$ Payment at the end of the 2nd year – 10 000$ Payment at the end of the 3rd year – 15 000$ Payment at the end of the 4th year – 20 000$ Payment at the end of the 5th year – $125,000. TOTAL = $175,000

Retreat Angel

guest and partner
investment of
$10 000

Available: 20 lots


Retreat Angel

guest and partner
investment of
$50 000

Available: 6 lots


Retreat Angel

guest and partner
investment of
$100 000

Available: 4 lots


In simple terms

We offer three options for investment participation in our project. They are distinguished by different levels of involvement in the project and different levels of profitability.

The “with a guarantee” option is a guaranteed repayment of the loan and interest on it. Simple annual interest in this case is 15% per annum, complex (interest on interest) will be about 12% per annum. By the return in 5 years you get 175% of the invested amount. The plus side of this option: high predictable interest on the invested capital and all the additional bonuses of participation in the partnership: free annual retreats, the status of “guest of honour”. Minus: the interest could be higher.

Two other partnership options: a 5-year partnership and a partnership for good.

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